Ministry Teams

St. Stephen’s has 9 ministry teams which are active in doing and supporting the mission of our congregation.   Each team consists of a small group of administrators whose task it is to oversee a certain area in the life of the congregation and to involve congregational members beyond the team for specific, time limited tasks in order to make their ideas and projects become reality.  

If you wish more information about these teams or wish to contact them, please call our Church office at 705-743-4411 or email us at: .

The Congregational & Community Care Team

Convenor: Hennie Tiesma 

 “…rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.”   Romans 12:15.

Christians are called to care for the world God loves and especially those who are having a difficult season in their life. Congregational and Community Care do this through our:

  • Prayer Line – by email & telephone
  • Birthday & Anniversary recognition
  • Church Directory
  • Shut-in visiting
  • Gifts, Cards and Benevolences, as needed
  • Presbytery Hospital Visiting
  • Monthly Community Pasta Supper
  • Catering for Funerals

The Living and Learning Team

Convenor: Alison Smith

 “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful. 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom”    Colossians 3: 15  – 16a

Living and Learning has the joy of forming and nourishing faith in Christ through activities and fellowship beyond our central worship experience.  We invite you to our:

  • Children’s Programs
  • Women’s Activities
  • Men’s Fellowship
  • BBQs
  • Soup Lunches
  • Dinners

St. Stephen’s is a “Leading with Care” congregation where we take special care to ensure the safety of all children, youth and adults.  Children are never left unattended or alone with an adult, and ushers survey the building when worship is in progress.

“Ministry of Fishery & Invitation” Team

Convenor: Les Harvey

“Go therefore and make disciples…”  Matthew 28:19a

This outreach team looks for effective ways to invite people in our neighbourhood and beyond to become disciples of Christ through the ministry of St. Stephen’s.  Our hope is to involve everyone – including You and your Family – in God’s realm. We do this by:

  • Advertising
  • Making our building more user-friendly
  • Live Streaming Worship Services
  • Website content
  • Facebook

Stewardship Team

Convenor:  John West

“Blessed to be a blessing”!  Genesis 12:2

We promote the stewardship of all the gifts God has given us including the earth, our families, our finances, our possessions and our abilities. Since stewardship is an intentional action (we are “stewards by design, not by accident”) with practical aspects, we:

  • Help people to use their talents in service through the church
  • Suggest and/or approve fundraising projects
  • Ensure accountability and transparency of finances
  • Prepare the annual budget
  • Promote various ways of giving

The Support Team

Convenor: Marilyn McNaughton

“…all things should be done decently and in order” 1 Corinthians 14: 40.

Support Team cares for the physical space of the building.  It’s our mission to keep the building and its physical needs in top shape, to clear the way for the Church community to do their mission with ease.  We look after everything:

  • From the very boring:  Is there toilet paper in the washroom? Are the floors clean?
  • To the very exciting: A new out door sign!  Sound and Visual equipment!
  • To the very significant: Do we need a new roof?  Is there water in the basement?

The Worship Team

Convenor: Rosemarie Delahey

“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4: 24

Worship Team believes God is pleased when we gather of offer joy-filled praise and thanks. We are blessed with a church community which is comprised of people from 1 to 95 years of age, with various preferences of worship styles. Our blended worship has something for all.

  • Ensures that the congregation is invited to use their gifts, as appropriate, during worship
  • Suggests times and dates for worship, Holy communion and baptisms
  • Gives input into the order of service
  • Decides the place and style of worship
  • Trains lay readers
  • Proposes Special services such as Ash Wednesday, Christmas Eve

Personnel Committee

Convenor: Nancy Ross

“For we are God’s servants, working together.”  1 Corinthians 3:9

The Personnel Committee:

  • Writes position descriptions
  • Interviews and hires staff (except minister)
  • Does annual reviews including work performance and salary


Clerk of Session:  Donna Lehman
Treasurer: Bryan Smith
Envelope Secretary:  Marilyn MacNaughton
Representative Elder to Presbytery:  Rosemarie Delahey
Custodian:  Audrey Downs
Secretary: Diane Cini

Music Director: Barry Hawkins

Elders: Rosemarie Delahey, Donna Lehman, Nancy Ross , Bryan Smith, Herman Stremler, Tom Williams

St. Stephen’s is grateful to the congregation who volunteer and give leadership in all aspects of our mission and ministry – too many names to list!